God's Band of Warriors

Band of Warriors

This may be the most essential challenge we can place in front of you.
The challenge - to be totally honest with God.

How much do you really love Him?

Enough to surrender totally to His will for your life?

Enough to look at "self" as dead, and Jesus alone as ruler of your life?

Shalom wants to see who is out there with a heart that beats for Jesus and whose greatest desire is to please the heart of the Father who gave us His precious Son. We're looking for Christians who play no games with God and want His will at any cost. Study what follows in an attitude of prayer. Look up each scripture verse. Then be still before the Lord and ask Him: "Lord God, will You make me a true disciple - a spiritual warrior - and put Your burden for the unsaved of this world into my heart?"

If you pray the dedication prayer (at the end), we suggest you print this page and sign your name as a reminder. Then contact Shalom and tell us you are part of this "Band of Warriors". To help you grow in your commitment to God we'd like to send you our bimonthly Saint Paul School of Leadership and Discipleship lessons. This is completely free and you will not receive any other correspondence from us unless you request such. We'd also like to add you to the list of those who will receive special prayer. Frank Eiklor and the Shalom team look forward to hearing your reply.

BECAUSE: God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as His unspeakable gift to the world to die for all men so that those trusting Him can have forgiveness of sins and eternal life. (John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 9:15)
BECAUSE: Most of the world yet lives and dies without ever experiencing the life-giving presence of the Savior. (Matthew 9:36-38)
BECAUSE: Those who know Jesus are to follow Him in the pursuit of souls and not of self. (Matthew 4:19)
BECAUSE: The time is short in both brevity of life and the prophetic signs of the times. (1 Corinthians 7:29-31)
BECAUSE: Christians are urged to hasten Christ's return through holy and obedient lives. (2 Peter 3:12)
BECAUSE: Jesus said that world evangelism must precede His glorious return and reign. (Matthew 24:14)
BECAUSE: God's purposes are best fulfilled in those who are completely abandoned to Him with no other answer to the Holy Spirit's orders than "Yes Lord!" (Acts 9:6)
Relying on the power of God who works in us to will and to do His good pleasure, we offer our lives to the following covenant made before God and each other. (Philippians 2:13)

  1. To want Jesus more than the air we breathe-because life would be meaningless and worthless without Him. (Philippians 3:8)
  2. For our "First Love" Jesus to direct all other loves. (Revelation 2:4; Mark 12:30, 31)
  3. To hold a "Big Kingdom" perspective regarding the entire body of Christ by being a servant of all. (Mark 10:43-45)
  4. To determine to study "all scripture" so as to know the Father's will. (2 Timothy 3:16)
  5. To measure love for Christ by obedience to Him. (John 14:21,23)
  6. To have a willingness to have Christ's burden for souls outweigh all other concerns. (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15)
  7. To be willing to have God enlarge our hearts to embrace His world vision. (Acts 1:8)
  8. To hold the conviction that all we possess belongs to God. (1 Corinthians 4:7)
  9. To embrace a one-way mission, cost what it may, to not go back from the call of Christ. (Luke 9:62; Philippians 3:13,14)
  10. To daily ask the Father to make each of us a Pauline pattern of servant-leadership ("Follow me as I follow Christ") whose lives clearly demonstrate Christ's love and radiate His truth. (1 Corinthians 11:1)


"With eternal gratitude for Your sacrifice in offering up Your beloved Son, and for Jesus' sacrifice in giving His life to save me, I come to You, my Father, with this prayer. I want my life to be only for You. I am not my own but have been bought with the price of the blood of Christ. Take me-spirit, soul, mind and body-and make me a living sacrifice that brings You glory. Work in me both to will and to do Your good pleasure. Cause me to die to self so that Your resurrection life can make my new life fruitful in Christ. I want Jesus to always be my first love and Your plans, my Father, to be fulfilled in my life. Cause me to measure love for You by obedience to You. Where I doubt, help my unbelief. Where I'm weak, make me strong. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and make me a warrior whose life will model Your truth and whose lips will declare Your love. This prayer I offer You in Jesus' name. Amen."

I, _____________________________________________ have made this commitment to you, Lord Jesus,

on ____________________________________________.

  • To help you grow in your commitment to God we'd like to send you our bimonthly Saint Paul School of Leadership and Discipleship lessons. Sign up here.
  • To learn more about Shalom's Saint Paul School of Leadership and Disciple click here.
  • To browse through the school's lesson archive click here.
  • Share your story of commitment with us
Shalom International Outreach
P.O. Box 487
Rancho Cucamonga  CA    91729


Website graphic design by Sue Baxter of James Durbin Communications (JDC)



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