The Action Report
"We still have light"
By Frank Eiklor

Let’s face it. We don’t always know the will of the Lord.


That’s why—thank God—we don’t always get a “YES” to our prayers. But there are two prayers that are His perfect will. God wants us to pray them.


Prayer #1) That His 4000 year old heritage, the Jews, will welcome their coming Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah, and be God’s nation of blessing to the world. (Isaiah 62: 1, 6-7) That day is yet future. Pray it in!


Before that prayer comes to pass, something else must take place in the present—NOW.


Prayer #2) Pray that the body of Christ—the Church—will hear Christ’s voice and not stand timid and silent as words like “Kill the Jews” and “Israel must die” spread again like cancer. I have said for over 35 years that most Jews will never see the preciousness of Jesus until Christians see how precious the Jewish people are to the Lord. It’s true! So please—this year—join me in praying that Israel’s salvation will come SOON. And that the Church’s call to bless, comfort and show mercy to the Jews will come NOW.


These words come from a Jewish believer in Israel. They encourage my heart:


“Frank, I have been wanting to write and tell you how much I love and appreciate your lessons entitled ‘Who Really Crucified Jesus?’ I was so moved, actually shaken and horrified, at the reality of His crucifixion. You made it so real to me, Frank, that when reading, it is as though I am right there witnessing the saddest and most tragic event that ever happened on the face of the earth; and, because of my love for Him and knowing that He died to redeem me, the pain and sorrow is so much greater and horrifying. In order for me to have been set free from the bondage of sin, and to be able to have my old man die and have Him live in me and through me, He had to die that dreadful, horrific death. Reading the graphic details of it was so shocking and painful, but it was necessary in order for me—for all of us—to realize the cost—the price He had to pay—for our salvation.


I have heard you speak both in person and on your videos, and I have your books and the lessons you have been blessing us with all these years. When we hear you or read what you impart to us, we are hearing Yeshua—He is in everything you say and everything you write. There are no words in the English language or any other language to express the gratitude in my heart for your faithfulness in sharing with us the revelation that the Spirit imparts to you.”


We still have light.


There’s so much to do before “night.” Our videos reach into over 150 countries. The St. Paul School reaches tens of thousands of disciples. But we’re only scratching the surface. Pray that the Spirit of God will use Shalom as a small but mighty toll in His great hands.






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I had been given special permission by Israel to cross into Lebanon in order to help so many suffering people.


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