The Action Report
The Coming Storm
By Frank Eiklor

I write this letter with a trembling hand. That’s the truth. What I must write is too holy to write about. And too important to let pass. Remember when we heard about the Christian children beheaded by terrorists?


The news reports failed to give the real story behind the gory brutality.


What they didn’t say was that the ISIS killers gave the youngsters a chance to live.


All they had to do was to stop believing in Jesus and become Muslims.


Did it go something like this: “Child, you are an infidel for believing in Jesus. We kill infidels. But if you will say no to Jesus and yes to Islam, we won’t chop off your head.” “But I love Jesus and I will not stop believing in Him—even if you kill me.”


No, I did not hear the words spoken.

But God did, and those children—yes, children!—joined the growing list of martyrs who “loved not their lives unto death.”

Someday I will know the full story. Perhaps of parents who taught their kids, “We must prepare to suffer—and even die—for Jesus. This life is very short. Heaven lasts forever, and that is our real home.” Perhaps parents who tasted the Word of God and served it in large portions to their children as words to be loved and obeyed at any cost. They were just children! But they died as martyrs! Makes me tremble! Talk about “holy ground!!”

Yes, there are believers living in the midst of a raging storm.

But the storm is moving—and heading west—right toward us. And I fear millions of Christians will be attending endless prophecy conferences and tending to busyness when the roof blows off and walls cave in.

So I must preach—teach—reach—with renewed urgency.

The time is short. The stakes are high. Much of the Church sleeps on. The lost are all around us. Storm’s coming! But the team and I have a trumpet—internet TV—that I am going to blow just as loud as I can!

Thanks for your prayers and help,



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