The Action Report
"Imagine a mother & daughter who can't stand each other..."
By Frank Eiklor

Imagine a mother and daughter who can’t stand each other.

They even try to disown each other. “I’m not your mother!” “And I’m not your daughter!” Sad, no? And tragic! Because there is no way they can break that forever link of blood and birth—even though they fail to see value in each other. That’s a biological fact.

I use this to illustrate a theological fact—concerning the Jews and the Church. Let’s call Israel the mother and the Church the daughter. For centuries each has tried to disown the other. God says that won’t happen.

That’s because Jews, Israel and the Church can’t break their “God Connection.”

I’m preaching this connection in Israel, the USA, and around the world. And here is where I need, and ask, for your help. The Lord opened my eyes to the truth that every promise and warning He gave to Israel has also been given to us Christians. I hope to share these incredible truths with you in the coming year.

For example, to Israel’s enemies, God offers a challenge.

What could be more precarious than a peanut-sized nation surviving in an Islamic world sworn to swallow the peanut?

Yet God says that only if puny men can cancel moon, stars and ocean waves will Israel cease to exist. A God guarantee! (Jeremiah 31:35-37) And the enemies of the lovers of Jesus? How weak we look to an attacking world. Yet Christ says that the gates of hell will fall at the feet of His Church. Guaranteed! (Matthew 16:18)

Jews and Israelis hear me.

So does the Muslim world.

So does the secular world.

And so does the Christian world that is hungry for solid teaching.

I declare the living God who alone dares to prophesy with 100% accuracy. I trumpet the living Book that God calls His inspired Word. And we do it through Internet TV—the least expensive way to impact the world. TRUTH! It draws attention! It sets free!

Help me sound the trumpet!



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