The Action Report
"The One Sure Cure to Bigotry and Hate"
By Frank Eiklor

My concerned friend,

The procession of marchers was a long one. People lined the streets, not knowing what to expect. More calls for violence, perhaps? But how much worse could it get?! The evidence of the LA riots was all around scorched buildings. Citizens filled with fright or with hate. Police and firefighters feeling like targets.

What was this march all about?

Two men—one white, one black—led the procession. The marchers were black, white, brown, and everything in between. Their love for each other was evident. Their love for those watching was real. Voices and signs called out the one sure cure to hate. No. Not what had already been said—more laws, more jobs, more racial dialogue and on and on. Instead, the marchers told of the one sure cure to bigotry and hate—Jesus Christ—and His miracle working love on human hearts—their hearts. Laws could form temporary chains of control on the outside.

But the love of Jesus could permanently break the chains of sin on the inside.

People clapped and cheered. Citizens and cops witnessed the demonstration of unconditional love. And lives were changed!

Pastor Carlos Caldwell and I led that march many years ago. I went on to lead many others. And we may be called on to do it again. Hate spreads like cancer across America—and the world.

“Hate the protestors!” “Hate the police!” “Hate Trump!” “Hate Clinton!” “Hate politicians!”

“Hate rich people!” “Hate Muslims!” “Hate Jews!” “Hate Christians!” “Hate America!”

“Hate God!”

And behind the foul breath of hate—the devil himself. Satan. I saw enough hate in my own home as a kid. Then I met Jesus. Now I have His simple answer to hate. It comes from a Cross and precious blood that cries out to every human heart, “I love you!” and tears down every wall. I intend to trumpet this “one sure cure to bigotry and hate” across this sick country and around this savage world.

Jesus changed me! He can change millions more.

I ask for your prayers and help!

Frank Eiklor

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