The Action Report
By Frank Eiklor

Beloved partners,

I know her as I know no other human being.

In June, it will be 58 years married to my Norma.

Each month I tell you how the Holy Spirit impacts this ministry across America and the world. This month I want to tell you how God uses a gentle witness everywhere she goes and who, after the Lord, is my greatest source of inspiration. This is her story in Norma’s own words.

“It’s so special to walk with God. He knows the way. He is the way.

“Recently, after reminding the Lord that I’m getting old and should be going to heaven, He spoke so clear: ‘Your plan has not run out. You must not ask Me again.’ Then He gave me His assignment, ‘Go tell everyone this: What’s your name?...You know there may be others with your name. But you are special because God made just one of you. He wants you to know Him intimately. He’s waiting for you to talk to Him so He can forgive your sins and give you new heart. God wants to show you His plan for your life.’”

Norma uses that simple approach every time.

Like on a recent trip she took to Costco. First she spoke to Terrance who is planting a new church and was encouraged by her bold but gentle witness. Then there was Maria who, moved by Norma’s love, shared her fear of major surgery she would undergo the following day and was comforted by my wife’s prayer.

Finally, an employee named Chris went to help load the groceries in the car. “Chris, God has a special plan for your life,” is all it took to bring tears to this young man’s eyes. His father had died five days earlier—and a lonely Chris reached out for the love and comfort that God made real through Norma.

I wanted you to know there’s more than the action through “Frank and Team.”

There is a special lady—my Norma—who has stood at my side through

“many dangers, toils and snares.”

God’s plan goes on for her—for me—for Shalom—to introduce to the world the unconditional love of God by fleshing out to the world the unconditional love of Jesus.

Thanks for your prayers and support. You are a part of His plan!

I thank God for you!



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