The Action Report
By Frank Eiklor

Precious partner,

The Apostle Paul is my hero and number one mentor.

(The Lord Jesus is not my hero. He is so much more—my Life, my Lord and my God!) Paul was just flesh and blood stuff—like you and me. He was the infant Church’s greatest enemy—the original “Osama Bin Laden” terrorist—until the hunter became the hunted.

When the risen Christ rendered Paul (Saul) blind and prostrate on the Damascus Road and his terrified question “Who are you Lord?” was answered with “I am Jesus (Yeshuah),” Paul never looked back.

There would be no compromise with the world,

no surrender to the devil.

It would be “Yeshuah!” to Paul’s final breath.

Half of the Book of Acts tells his story. The Holy Spirit used Paul to author half of the New Testament. And the Almighty God let this physically unimpressive soldier say to Christians—all Christians—“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (NKJV). No other apostle ever said that. And Paul said it three times (1 Corinthians 11:1.; 1 Corinthians 4:16; Philippians 3:17)! He was an example of what Jesus Christ can do in any life that says “YES!” to God and “NO!” to self.

It’s why many years ago I memorized all of Paul’s epistles, including the unnamed Book of Hebrews which many—including me—believe Paul authored. And it’s why I continue to review these many chapters to this very day and why I wrote a whole book about Paul.

Why tell you all this now as an old fourscore-plus warrior?

Because this whole ministry revolves around the “Follow me, as I follow Christ”

challenge to the younger generations.

I am determined to be that example in all areas of life. And those we disciple are also telling those they win and train, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” The chain grows longer and longer.

People need authentic examples, not merely great advice.

By God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s power, that has been, and is, our aim.

And as we strive worldwide to live out “Follow me as I follow Christ,” we are being listened to, not laughed at.

To God be the glory!

To our Lord Jesus be the honor!

We need your prayers and partnership!




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