The Action Report
By Frank

My precious friend,

I still remember the

awesome sight inside a Jewish synagogue

There were pillars about 15 feet apart all along the temple walls. These pillars were not material structures supporting the building. They were living pillars defending Jewish congregants.

Satan’s ambassadors – anti-Semites – had spewed their hatred of Jews and then threatened them more harm. My offer to expose and counter their hate was welcomed by the rabbi and congregation.

On my side were many tough but beautiful hearts.

Some had been in notorious motorcycle gangs. Now they were born-again Christians who rushed to my side to help.

As I spoke to a full synagogue,

those men stood guard – like living pillars 

letting Jewish neighbors know they were not alone. The hater  got the message – an attack against Jews would be met with a Christian response. And our Jewish neighbors hugged us with cheers and tears.

I only wish we had been in Pittsburg a few weeks ago

when precious people were murdered in their synagogue – just because they were Jews. My one consolation was learning how quickly Christians and others rushed to offer their help.

Ugly attacks are again aimed against Jews and Israel across our country and the world.

God gave me a plan nearly 40 years ago on what to do.

Now I must put fresh attention again on teaching Christians how to stand up for Jewish neighbors and demonstrate the unconditional love Jesus. Thank God, we have many thousands of disciples around the world ready to receive this know-how and put it into action.

Your partnership is so appreciated. And your support is so crucial.

We have come to the kingdom…


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