The Action Report
A Journey across the Sea
By Frank

Precious friend,

I have often wished that you and other partners who support Shalom could go with me across the USA and the world. Then you could see first hand how we witness, preach, teach and mentor.

Like the trip to northern Michigan that just ended. It was arranged by Paul—a special brother and N.H. Congressman. Our team of five reached out to beautiful hearts in towns and cities.

Fasten your seatbelt and feel a little of the action.

  • Flight to Chicago: Kelly, a 19 year old future paratrooper in full uniform was my seatmate. Before landing, we had guided him to Jesus Christ.
  • Flight to Hancock, Michigan: I thought the tall man might be a professor at Michigan Tech Univ. Turns out Emmanuel is a Phd student from Nigeria. What a conversation! “Straight question, Emmanuel. Have you received Christ as Lord of your life?”  “Frank, in my country, Christians are beaten and killed—persecuted for loyalty to Christ. It costs to be a Christian. I am one of them—a Christian!”
  • “Antisemitism is out there and followers of Christ need to care.” That came from Jay, a Lutheran pastor whose knowledge of, and love for, Israel made me think I was listening to myself—for 3 ½ hours!
  • Joan—a special saint who has two aches, one good, one sad. She longs to join her husband in heaven and carries a broken heart for a prodigal son who doesn’t visit her. Joan absorbed love from all five of us.
  • Young warriors gathered around the table learning the value of memorizing the Word.
  • Auto shop owner Fred, whose smile seemed permanent. But oh the suffering! He had gone searching for his missing sister and knew her boyfriend was lying. When he went to the back yard, he looked into a fire—and saw her dismembered foot. Her lover was cutting her body in pieces and burning one part at a time. 

Fred drowned himself in booze but lay sobbing on a basement floor begging God to set him free.

Now he was telling us how Jesus had come to him and was now using him to help others.

How he loved his old friend, Paul, for not forgetting him as we embraced in a heavenly hug.

No more room, but you get the point. God used Paul and Jayne to set up this journey. Craig and Melinda completed our team of five. Pray for them and those I mentioned in this letter.

As a line in a song I wrote says,

“People, people, everywhere; needing love and tender care: People, people, everywhere; each a jewel so fair and rare.”

Your prayers and support are so precious to the Shalom team. We always thank God for your help!

...Frank Eiklor

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