The Action Report
The Brave and the Bold
By Frank Eiklor

"Why hasn't the Lord come yet? Why are we still here?!"


Questions coming from precious Christians who wanted to believe that they would not see terrible darkness and suffering. Now many are listening to this old warrior. I have warned the Church for many years: “Stop arguing about the rapture of the Church and start healing the rupture of the world.”


"Surely Chistians won't be here when they kill millions of babies and sell their body parts?"


But we are! 

"Surely Christians won't be here when a man marries another man who becomes his 'wife,' as religious and secular people applaud?"


But we are! And we are still here as fellow Christians are beheaded and biblical Christianity is mocked and increasingly viewed as a cancer against “progress.” And still here as secular Jews make Tel Aviv, Israel the “gay capital of the world,” while extremist Jews wish and work for Israel’s destruction.



Crazy world! Barbarian world! But it's our worldand we are called to be the salt and light of Jesus.


It’s an awesome day to be alive. My #1 target is the young generation. They listen to me brag about Jesus. In the gym. On the street. In the market place. On the net. “Jesus is the answer to your troubled past, your worries today and your fears of tomorrow.” Some, we plant seeds. Others have a talk right there and then and ask Christ to save and satisfy them.

Young and old can't ignore an example before their eyes.

By God’s power it’s what I am—and what those we disciple are also challenged to be. These are incredible days for the brave and the bold—those brave enough to stand up and bold enough to speak up—for Jesus Christ.

Pray for the Shalom team. Pray for me! The fire still burns—the heart still yearns—to hasten the return of King Jesus. His coming will be right on time. His time!

Thanks for helping us—



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