The Action Report
"What is a follower of Jesus to do?"
By Frank Eiklor

The bear is in the tent.

Ancient Persia is on the rise.


Israel’s leader stares at the whole world’s ambassadors—for 40 silent seconds.


The question: “Are you a Christian?” is followed by a bullet to the head.


Sex and marriage are redefined—and woe if you disagree.


Body parts of babies bring a nice profit.

Events are happening at a dizzying pace. Take a look.

Putin’s Russia (the bear) is back in the Middle East and on the move.

(Ezekiel’s warnings call for our attention).

Iran—old Persia—patiently maneuvers the West while keeping her eyes on the prize—nuclear weapons that would go a long way toward fulfilling Iran’s promise that “Israel shall be no more.”

Israel’s Netanyahu looks virtually alone

as he stands before the UN and condemns their silence of world atrocities while they call for resolutions of condemnation against the tiny Jewish State. His silent 40 second stare at all those faces is deafening. You’re aware of the rest.

The Oregon killer with particular hatred towards Christians.

USA law declaring marriage as no longer limited to man and woman—and the fear many Christians feel to even voice their opinion. The scientific breakthroughs and high-tech savvy that can use body parts of babies for “medical advancement.”

What is a follower of Jesus to do? Plenty.

Love like Jesus. Live like Christ. Show His care and compassion to the best and the worst. The innocent and the guilty. The open and the closed. The receptive and the arrogant. Let Jesus be Jesus—in you and in me!

I love Joel 3:14—“Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision.” Yes, the world is hardening and heading for horrifying judgement. But God’s door of grace is still open. I’m seeing spiritual hunger everywhere.

The Holy Spirit is calling millions in their valley of decision to decide for Christ.

And by God’s grace, I want this ministry to do our part to let them see the real Jesus so that none can say when time is no more, “I never heard. I didn’t know. I never saw a sold-out follower of Jesus Christ.”

Thanks for your prayers and support. May God make my life and the life of this ministry…MORE THAN TALK!


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