The Action Report
Sounding the Trumpet
By Frank Eiklor

Precious Friend,

At age 42 I was handed a trumpet by the God of heaven. He began to teach me the notes of His prophetic voice and told me to blow that trumpet with all my might. His orders were clear. “Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm on My holy Mount Zion—the day of the Lord is coming—it is close at hand.” (Joel 2:1)

Twenty years had already gone by preaching the gospel worldwide. Then I was given a fresh commission that has never been rescinded:

I tasted the Holy Spirit’s grief over the Jews, Israel and the Church. Most Jews rejected the love of Jesus. Most Christians rejected or had no idea of God’s love for Jews.

I witnessed with my own eyes hateful actions against Israel in particular, and Jews in general, that were met by Christian silence.

I met up close those evangelical and mainline Christians who declared that physical Israel was a blot on the world and not a blessing.

They insisted that the Church was the “new Israel” and that God was finished with the Jews. Hatred aimed at Jews was excused as due to “their rejection of Christ.”

The rest, as they say, is history: thirty eight years of blowing the trumpet—with my darling Norma ever at my side. Today to some 75,000 students our St. Paul School. And over 150 countries  with our ‘MORE THAN TALK” telecast. And churches and conferences. And to leaders who count me as their mentor. What do I trumpet?

  • God’s love for Israel and the Jews is eternal.
  • True followers of Jesus are to stand against all hate aimed at Israel and Jews.
  • Our love (God’s love, really!) is to be unconditional even when Jewish folk reject Yeshuah and refuse our witness. You can never stop caring!
  • The Lord Jesus Christ—Yeshuah Ha Mashiach—is the Hope of Israel and the world. The good news is never to be compromised or denied in order to curry favor. We are to walk it and talk it so that Jews and Gentiles who search for truth and purpose will want—at any cost—the resurrected King of glory—Jesus Himself!
  • The Church—including the evangelical church—is riddled with materialism, greed and ignorance of the Word of God and a first-love relationship with Jesus. The hour is late. A great awakening must come!

I just turned 80. I often feel half, but the wrinkles and calendar don’t lie. God has not removed the trumpet from my hands no His power, ability and anointing from my heart. Truth is, the more of my weakness I feel, the more of His strength and power I experience.

End-time sign posts are everywhere. The time is short!

Believers will not be here when God’s wrath falls, but we had better be ready for the dark days and heavy persecution that our brothers and sisters are already suffering around the world. Christ’s followers are being beaten and beheaded in many places for their allegiance to the Cross and their boldness to confess Jesus. Their testimonies warn and impel me to blow the trumpet and sound the alarm to the Church, the Jews, Israel and the world.

I’m especially aiming at an army of youth—Joshuas—who will love Jesus Christ and be His warriors and not this world’s wimps. Many—yes, very many—are getting the message.

This is no time to lay the trumpet down!

That's why I need your help!

Frank Eiklor

PS. We were informed that many postal workers in CA were fired for throwing mail away. If you sent a gift recently and received no receipt from us, let me know. We always faithfully respond to every gift.

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