The Action Report
The Lord's Commercial
By Frank Eiklor

Precious friend,

Paul said, “Preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season.”

I might add, “Speak up for Jesus, whether in bright sunshine or great darkness.” Norma and I recently visited the McDonald Observatory at Fort Davis, Texas—one of the darkest places in the US to observe the stars. Very dim red lights guided the crowds of people along the paths to number of telescopes. I could hardly see the people, much less their faces. I just hoped I wouldn’t stumble.

Our group of family and friends got separated and I volunteered to go find the “lost ones.” But how to find them?! The grounds were large, the lines went in different directions, and visual was at a minimum. So I thought, “I might as well join this line and get my few seconds of viewing God’s starry heavens before going farther.” As I got closer to the telescope I could hear those before me say, “Nice!” “Wow!” “Incredible!” On and on.

But not a peep about the One who made it all.

Taking my turn, I quietly remarked to the young man in charge of the telescope, “What an awesome God to create all of this!” When he mumbled, “That’s your belief. I believe in science,” I knew I couldn’t stop the line to tell him at length why scientists like Einstein believed in God. But as I paused to hear those behind me talk about “astronomy,” I figured the Lord deserved His commercial.

So I broke in loud and clear to the circle of shadows.

“I’m a theologian and acquainted with the God who made it all.” Out of the darkness came a voice, “That’s Frank!” It was my friend Jim and the others I had gone to find! A simple but bold witness. A reunited group. I thought, “Neat, Lord! You’re awesome!”

I share this simple story because it is what Shalom does worldwide. Most Christians know little of the Scriptures. So I teach them the basics—a daily time alone with Jesus. Memorize special verses. Say “no” to self and “yes” to the Holy Spirit. Speak out boldly for the Lord. Basic discipleship stuff.

Many are living out that challenge across the USA and around the world through our “More Than Talk” programs.

How I thank God for such a wide door that is open to the entire USA, to Israel and to over 150 countries globally.

And I also thank you for material help. Without your financial support, none of this could happen.

Best love from the team and me!

Frank Eiklor

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